
Showing posts from October, 2014

Creationist' Arguments Evolutionist' Answers

What is the problem with fundamentalists? The Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Orlando in 2000 said more than "women should graciously submit to their husbands." Their main complaint was society's rejection of "supernaturalism" in science, the humanities, etc. What that means is natural events should be attributed to magic and divine intervention, not reason, random chance, or just plain bad luck.Their contention is every event is the direct work of God and there is no element of chance. Anything that disagrees with their version of Scripture is wrong, regardless of the proof. If an airplane crashes, it was the will of God to punish sin. A hurricane hits Florida, it's the work of God punishing sin. A child dies of SIDS, sin again. But what of those without sin? Does God "punish" innocent newborns or the God-fearing Christian on the plane for the sins of others? According to fundamentalists everybody is born in sin and thus it is "mora