Congress Representatives Christianity: Yes, Islam: No

House Representatives Willing to Give Government Endorsement to Christianity but Not to Islam
House Republicans Tom Tancredo and Mike Pence were stupid enough to open their mouths and get sanctimonious about why they wouldn’t vote for H.Res. 635, a bill to give the stamp of government approval to Islam and the holiday of Ramadan. They had objections that were opposite in direction: Tancredo said it was fine for government to endorse religions, but he was upset and protesting because nobody would ever let that kind of bill be passed for Christianity and Christmas. Pence said that separation of church and state prohibited the endorsement of any religion. Both are hypocrites, because both voted in favor of H.Res. 579, a bill to give the stamp of government approval to Christianity and the holiday of Christmas.

But the inanity surrounding this pair of bills (both of which passed the House, by the way) is not limited to Mike Pence or Tom Tancredo. The following are members of Congress who voted to endorse Christmas and Christianity but who wouldn’t vote to endorse Islam and Ramadan:

Republican Robert Aderholt of Alabama
Republican Todd Akin of Missouri
Republican J. Gresham Barrett of South Carolina
Republican Jo Bonner of Alabama
Republican Mary Bono of California
Republican Ginny Brown-Waite of Florida
Republican Michael Burgess of Texas
Republican Steve Buyer of Indiana
Republican John Carter of Texas
Republican K. Michael Conaway of Texas
Republican National Deal of Georgia
Republican Terry Everett of Alabama
Republican Randy Forbes of Virginia
Republican Trent Franks of Arizona
Republican Scott Garrett of New Jersey
Republican Louie Gohmert of Texas
Republican Virgil Goode of Virginia
Republican Kay Granger of Texas
Republican Robin Hayes of North Carolina
Republican Sam Johnson of Texas
Republican Steve King of Iowa
Republican Kenny Marchant of Texas
Democrat Mike McIntyre of North Carolina
Republican Jeff Miller of Florida
Republican Randy Neugebauer of Texas
Republican Mike Pence of Indiana
Republican Mike Rogers of Alabama
Republican Mark Souder of Indiana
Republican Tom Tancredo of Colorado
Republican Mac Thornberry of Texas
Republican Todd Tiahrt of Kansas
Republican Zach Wamp of Tennessee
Republican Dave Weldon of Florida
Republican Lynn Westmoreland of Georgia
Republican C. W. “Bill” Young of Florida
Republican Don Young of Alaska

The individuals named above are conditional theocrats who feel they have the right to decide which religions are appropriate and which religions aren’t. There are a handful of people who declined to endorse Islam who didn’t vote to endorse Christianity — but the only reason they didn’t endorse Christianity is that they weren’t members of Congress at the time! Yes, EVERY single member of Congress who declined to endorse Islam and was a member of Congress back in December 2005 jumped at the chance to endorse Christianity. So this isn’t a mistake; it’s part of a plan to legislate for one religion and against another. It is precisely because of this sort of favoritist use of power that the Constitution forbids government from being used to promote ANY religion. Let’s go back to following the Constitution, shall we? The last thing we need in America is a religious war waged with the instruments of government.


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