Did Quraan Says "Do Not Take Jews and Christians (Nasaara) as Friends? False

First the word "Christians" is not recognized in Quraan. From Islamic prospective it is false proposition because that Jesus (Issa) teaching included he is God as it taught today.
So actually when Muslims use the word Christian is politically correct but from religious point of view it is wrong.
Now to the Quraan verse wrongly translated "do not take the Jews and Christians as friends". Wrong again the word friend is not remotely used.
In addition this Prohibition or advice absolutely does not speak on the personal level.
Now what is it?
This Quranic verse speaks to Muslims as a group in political sense. What it says or advice "don't put your blind trust and alliance with the Christian and Jews on your jeopardy" What it says it warns the Muslims that Christians and Jews have their ulterior motives, Christians to convert you and the Jews to destroy you.
So be careful of them.
Again this is nothing at all in the personal level.
It is not a mystery that the goal of Christians is to convert the Muslims into their religion. This is true through history to the present time and in future.
For Jews they hated Muhammad and had been said they thought the Persian ruler to come to Arabia and destroy Muslims and Kill Muhammad. To the present moment hatred to Islam and the dream to harm it is very common to the present time.
So as summary this Quraanic verse is just warning to Muslims as now may be considered political sense. Don't trust them they will harm you at first opportunity they will have.
Note: Look at the picture below a Jew and Christian... Do they love Islam? Would they love to destroy Islam?


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