The Trial of Islam in Tennessee

Tennessee residents put Islam on trial, linking a new mosque to conspiracy to take over America
Islam Times - Opponents of a new mosque in Murfreesboro,Tennessee spent six days in court trying to link Muslim efforts to build an Islamic center to a conspiracy to take over America by imposing Shariah Law... Reporter : Mnar Muhawesh

Islam Times: The hearing was intended to question whether county officials violated Tennessee’s open meetings law when the mosque’s site plan was approved.

Plaintiff’s attorney Joe Brandon Jr. went as far as using the hearing as a forum to question whether Islam even qualifies as a religion, pushing a theory that American Muslims are trying to replace the Constitution with Shariah Law.

Using more fear monger in the hearing, Brandon asked whether the county commissioners supported hanging a whip in their house as a warning to their wives then beating them with it, claiming this was part of Islamic Law.

Witnesses tried to link the mosque with terrorism by pointing out mosque board member Mosaad Rowash had pro-Hamas postings on his MySpace page.

Deborah Laute who sponsors interfaith coalition in the region and director of civil rights for the Jewish Anti-Defamation League, says “this is irrelevant…even if all the members of the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro were public cheerleaders of Hamas, it would still be illegal to discriminate against them because the First Amendment protects freedom of worship.

Local residents say they are seeking a temporary restraining order to stop building permits from being issued to the Islamic center.

Since June, protesters in support and in opposition to the mosque have been facing off in Tennessee. While Islam goes on trial once again in America, President Obama is across the world building ties with Muslim nations in Asia, saying we need to fix the mistrust Americans have with Muslims.


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