The Current Tragedy of Muslims in Albania

catholics have a big church, and the orthodox have one too, and we all know where they got their money, the first from the vatican(an institution/state that refuses to recognise Kosova – i hear they too have a big catholic church but no big mosque in Prishtina), whereas the other got its money from an even worse source, greece or its satellite cyprus for all church repairs and other things, who by the way perceives all orthodox peoples in Albania as being ‘greek’. These two communities are dwindling in the country each at roughly 10% of the country, with many catholics residing in Italy and nearly half of all orthodox Albanian speakers(mainly the young) being in greece busily hellenising themselves(and it shows as no attempt is made to remove papa analoti from his position and place an actual Albanian in his place). These two communities are elderly and slowly decreasing yet most Albanians have placated to their whims for far to long by presenting a christian face to the world. I say yes to a mosque in Tirana, the biggest one they can construct, and they should build it in front of the greek embassy, just as a reminder, that yes most Albanians converted to Islam and it was through Islam that Albanians kept their language and culture and did not submit themselves to hellenism or some other thing. Bamir Topi is reflecting the majority opinion of the populace. Most Albanians in the Balkans are Muslims or such as my self an atheist from a Muslim cultural background, and backing for such a construction will receive wide support from the diaspora and most Albanians living in the Balkans. The majority can no longer remain silent as greek interests represented by Edi Rama and his band of greek influenced socialists attempt to stifle Albania’s development.


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