The Tyranny of the Albanian Government Against Islam by Fanatic Secularists

The Albanian anti-Muslim Satan Minister of Education, Myqerem Tafaj

“The veil to us is more than a symbol, it’s a religious obligation and not a matter of choice,” he continued.

Ministry of education officials recently clarified that wearing the hijab, or Muslim veil, will not be allowed in state schools under the new bill, which is still under consultation with interest groups until the end of January.

The Albanian Islamic Community, KSHM, the official organization representing Muslims in Albania, had earlier backed the bill, arguing that following consultations with the ministry, their understanding was that the hijab would not be banned.

Following an interview in mid-December with the Minister of Education, Myqerem Tafaj, in which he explained that the ban on religious symbols included the veil, the KSHM pulled its statement of support from its website.


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