What the world's religious landscape will look like in 2050

Mapped: What the world's religious landscape will look like in 2050

Christianity will remain the world's top religion despite the growth of Islam and atheism ...

Islam is the world's fastest growing religion but despite the increasing numbers, Christians will still outnumber Muslims in 2050, a new report has found.
Religion, despite its decline in the West as the map above shows, is proliferating across the world - by 2050, Muslims will make up 10 per cent of Europe's population. By 2100, Muslims will outnumber Christians globally, Pew believe.
"By the year 2100, about 1 per cent more of the world’s population would be Muslim (35 per cent) than Christian (34 per cent)," the authors wrote.
According to the Pew Research Centre, the religiously unaffiliated - referring to atheists, agnostics and other people who do not identify with a religion - are declining as a share of the population.
In the map above, readers can find out the percentage of individuals following Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and folk religions (which include African traditional religions, Chinese folk religions, Native American religions and Australian aboriginal religions) as well as those who do not follow a religion.
All faiths, according to Pew, will see an increase in their share except Buddhism - because of low fertility and ageing population among its followers.
The three maps below show which parts of the world the three biggest monotheistic faiths are adhered to most.



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